Monday, March 14, 2011

"Born with Religion" quiz

Storytelling I
  1. The story takes place in the 1960's (allusion to Dr. King) in the dowtown projects of Princeton, Georgia. Basically, the story is about how the narrator's religion was a big part of her life growing up.
  2. The point of view in the story if first person: single narrator
  3. This story does not have a  frame structure becasue there is just one center story presented
  4. It would not be the same if it were set in maybe, modern-day white suburbia. The narrator, nor the other charcters in the story would have the same struggles or experiences as in the past.
  5. I think the main charcter is Big Mama. The narrator is neither the protagonist nor the antagonist of the story. Big Mama is possibly opposing against the evil and temptations becasue she is constantly calling on God.
  6. The main conflict is between Big Mama and evil
Storytelling II

    2. I guess the theme would be faith. In the south , the majority of people there are Christian, God-fearing    individuals so it only makes sense that the narrator is born with that in her life. Also whenever they were blessed or something went wrong, they would call on God becasue that's what they were taught.
    3. The character I chose was Big Mama. She seemed to value the church and her family. These values aid her in getting through tough situations, like for example and illness or financial strains. When Aunt Vi was diagnosed with a tumorin her stomach, she prayed to God and it was released from her body soon after.
    4.The African American motif Political Philosophies and Strategies for Freedom, is present. Particularly the part on segregation. It is presented when the narrator describes the two separate cemetaries where one held blacks and the other whites. Another motif is Archetypal Characters, the bglack preacher. The narrator decribes how the preacher would scream to praise God for absolutely everything.

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